Tag Archives: venom

Episode 99: All the Venom in Amazonia

Hello everyone and welcome to Episode Ninety Nine!  And while we’re at it, I hope you all remain safe and healthy out there.

This show is dedicated to the memory of Gary Pinson.  Gary lived over in the Missouri Ozarks and every October he and his family would come over to Snake Road in southern Illinois, which is where I first met him.  It got to be a thing every year, meeting up with Gary and his crew, walking and talking on the road.  He was a good man, a gentle man, with a twinkle in his eye and always ready with a story.  I will miss him and so will so many other folks who come down to Snake Road on the regular.  My sympathies to Preston, Gregory, Amy and the rest of the Pinson family – I’m quite sure Gary’s at a McDonald’s somewhere.

As always, I am grateful to all the show’s patrons who help to keep the show moving forward. And if you’re out there listening and you would like to kick in a few bucks, it’s easy to do, you simply go to the So Much Pingle Patreon page. You can support the show for as little as three bucks a month – less than a fancy cup of coffee! You can also support the show via one-time contributions via PayPal or Venmo (please contact me via email to somuchpingle@gmail.com).

Just prior to heading down to Peru in May, I heard from Devon Graham, who is the director of Project Amazonas. Devon told me our group would be sharing the Santa Cruz field station with some folks doing venom research, and that certainly sounded intriguing, Arriving at Santa Cruz we met with Ella Guedouar, Carter Haley, and Grant McCargar, and we got a peek at the research they were conducting.  A very gracious trio, they were cool with me and Josh and all of his students doing some shoulder surfing as they extracted venom and worked up their serpent subjects.  And they graciously agreed to talk with me about their research.

Thanks for listening everyone! And as always, please keep the comments and suggestions coming, and please take time to rate the show on your podcast platform! The show email is somuchpingle@gmail.com, and there’s also a So Much Pingle group on Facebook, for discussion, comments, feedback, suggestions, herp confessions, tips for herping better, etc.
